Venemedia Communications CA has specifically established how this website should be used. Here you will find information about how it was designed to be accessible to everyone. You will also find out how you can file a complaint.
Venemedia Communications CA establishes terms and conditions on the use of this website and the links related to it:
The user will refrain from using any of the services offered in VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA with illicit purposes or effects, damaging the rights and interests of third parties, or that may damage, disable, overburden, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of services, computer equipment or documents, files and any content stored in VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA or external servers linked from the websites of VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA.
The user will refrain from harassing, threatening and obtaining or disclosing private information of third parties.
The user will refrain from using the websites of VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA with the aim of:
The exclusive promotion of a website, companies, blog networks or link affiliation (spam).
The commercial campaigns (even if the promoted place does not contain direct advertising), political or ideological, promoting the mass vote to the news object of the campaign or of the promoted place.
The gratuitous provocation or unjustified annoyance to the other users and readers.
The sending of false or fabricated news.
The managers of VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA do not guarantee the legality, reliability, accuracy, completeness, timeliness and usefulness of the contents. The establishment of a hyperlink, link, exchange, does not imply in any case the existence of relations between the managers of VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA and the owner of the web site with which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval of its contents or services.
The managers of VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA exclude all responsibility in the sites linked from this website and can not control and do not control that they appear Internet sites whose contents may be illegal, illegal, contrary to morality or good customs or inappropriate. The user, therefore, must exercise extreme caution in the assessment and use of the information, content and services existing in the linked sites.
The managers of VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA exclude all responsibility for the news and information published by users, third parties and the users or third parties from whom they may be responsible.
Regarding the registration of users, the managers of VENEMEDIA COMUNICACIONES CA reserve the right to eliminate the profiles that usurp the identity or try to deceive other users (even if it is for playful or parodic purposes), by pretending to be another natural or legal person. .
We have made every effort to make easy to use for everyone, regardless of the browser of your choice or whether or not you use special tools to access through the following techniques:
building the site using HTML and CSS that meet the standards
ensuring that all the content of our website is structured logically using informative headers and labels where relevant.
provide consistent navigation through our sites ensuring that all of our content managers are fully trained to produce accessible content (for example, by providing appropriate alternative texts and descriptive links, and without instructions that depend on visual elements), and rigorously verify all content once it has been created.
allowing users to control the content in movement.
A recent accessibility audit of the site showed that there is a small number of page components that can not be accessed without a mouse or with the use of a screen reader. These problems are being worked on as a priority.
In addition to carrying out accessibility tests on our sites, we will carry out tests with disabled users on an ongoing basis in order to continuously evaluate and improve the experience of our sites with all users.
We value your opinion, so we hope we can make your interaction with Venemedia Communications CA pages excellent and we appreciate your comments, suggestions and details about your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service received when contacting us or using any of our products. or services. We would also like to know if any particular member of the team has given you exceptional help or service.